Saba Qamar shared her dating story which lasted for eight years


The very skillful actress Saba Qamar just started her YouTube channel and in no time earned 37.8k subscribers till date .
In a recent episode she shared her eight years of dating life with her fans and followers.

The diva mentioned, “From childhood, the girls are taught to stay with the man whom she first meets. This one sentence ruined eight years of my life. By this, I mean such type of man came into my life who used to lie and say sorry afterwards. For me, marriage and commitment was the same thing, and due to this, I wasted eight years of my life. I used to think he will change but he didn’t and he made me crazy.”

“After spending eight years with me, he said he had to marry a girl from his own family. He broke engagement of that girl and got married to her. He was daring enough to call me and tell me all this. The story doesn’t end here, for the society he got married to a girl from his family but I was in his mind and heart all the time. One day, while talking to his wife he took my name mistakenly and still he has to listen to taunts from his wife,” added the Cheekh actress.

The starlet further shared that she gave her love life another change keep in mind the famous phase that all people are not the same. This time she dated an international man but this love story hardly lasted for eight days. Comprising it all he is not in Saba’s life anymore but an interesting fact to be told, the diva has given his name to her dog who is more loyal than him. His name is Dinoo.

Check out this video of Saba :

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