Some Do’s and Don’ts for the Winter

Winter is the most awaited season of the year, making us feel warm and nostalgic altogether. For me it is associated with the feelings of affection and being loved.

Winter season makes us cozy and lethargic, yet, it is the season of holidays, of taking some time out from our busy scheduled lives. This sense of festivity gives it a touch of excitement and enthusiasm. It brings families closer together to relax and enjoy.

The onset of winter brings lots of changes in our mind and body so, you want to reach out and connect with your inner-self and with others around you. I always sit back and indulge in my cup of coffee to take personal time for my inner self.

One needs to be cautious at the beginning of this weather to enjoy it through the end. Health being our main focus needs to be looked after so, that we are able to fully indulge in the fun this season has to offer. I have compiled a list of some do’s and don’ts mentioned below which we at Baaghi TV feel are necessary to have a healthy winter season ahead.

I have mentioned some easy tips to be healthy during Winter season in my Vlog below. Do watch it and share your comments too on how do you keep yourself warm and healthy in Winter?

Winter is considered to be a period of hibernation but, for us it is the exact opposite. I take it as an opportunity to meditate and connect with nature around.

We would suggest don’t just lie down snuggle with your bed rather gear up and have some chilly fun till the winter lasts. Don’t be lethargic with such beautiful weather around, just go outdoors and praise the nature more. Winter has its own feel, with the bare trees around you. It always makes me sentimental and brings back memories of my childhood some how.

Another key point is don’t skip to moisturize your whole body. Starting from your face till your feet you need to get them all properly smoothed out otherwise your skin will get itchy. This makes your skin to have early wrinkles as well, so don’t let it get dried up. Apply as much of your moisturizing creams, hand and foot lotion. Don’t forget to put a drop of oil in your belly button, any kind of oil, as it works wonders keeping your body well moisturized.

Don’t just sit around and have comfort food. With the cold wind whistling outside we tend to sit on a couch eating carbs and fatty foods like pasta, pizzas, crisps and so many desserts to keep ourselves warm. However, this doesn’t keep us warm rather it puts extra amount of fats in us, which makes us feel lethargic. We are then unable to move ourselves for any type of activity. I would suggest that you munch on dry fruits, nuts, vegetable soups and black coffee and/or tea instead, with brisk walk on the side to keep your self physically fit. This all helps in proper blood circulation and boosts your brain and heart simultaneously.

Don’t forget to keep your self properly covered from head to toe. No matter how strong your resistance to cold weather may be but, chilly wind has its effect on your chest too. If not fully covered you might catch a cold that takes a longer time to recover. Small kids especially, need to be covered with vests and warmers at the onset of this season otherwise, they may catch flu which ultimately takes its toll on them as well as on parents, leaving the children cranky and parents irritated yet, worried.

Keep yourself hydrated during winter season. During summer we drink maximum amount of water as we sweat a lot but, during the cold weather we drink tea and coffee more. These have caffeine in them which draws out the water content from our body leaving us dehydrated. Make an effort to drink at least 6 to 8 glasses a day as we need water for our bodies to retain the energy to focus throughout the day.

You can increase your intake of liquids by drinking fresh juices of carrot, apple and orange. These provide us with necessary vitamins and calcium to our body, improving our immune systems. Vitamin C in oranges and lemon protect us from flu and cold. Similarly vegetable or chicken soups and stew give us energy and keep us warm.

Do remember to take a handful of nuts during winter. These nuts are winter’s special treat for us that we look forward to eat. Almonds, walnuts and figs are the best ones among many others. These nuts provide protection against diseases like cold, flu, arthritis and anemia etc. They are helpful in protecting our skin against excessive dryness as they are rich in essential oils, minerals and vitamins. Additionally, walnuts help in brain functions, protect bone health and cardio vascular system as well as reducing bad cholesterol.

Do eat fish twice a week during this weather, as it is among the healthiest food items on the planet loaded with important nutrients such as protein and Vitamin D. Fish is also a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids which are important for your heart and brain. Fish types which possess high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids include salmon, trout, sardines, tuna and mackerel.

Do remember to apply your sunblock during winter. Experts say that sunscreen with the SPF 15 is essential in winters to protect oneself from sun rays. Also, wearing sunglasses is good for your eyes too. Protection against ultra violet sun rays is important during this season along with getting Vitamin D from the sun. Getting Vitamin D is easier during the winter months as it is so pleasant outside and ultra violet rays are weak so, we can get enough that is required by our body.

Do wrap yourself with warm clothing. The best part of the winter season that I enjoy the most, is those jackets, sweater, leathers and long boats which give such a special and stylish touch to ones personality. Not to forget wearing scarves, mufflers and mittens. Its a lovely sight to see children all dressed up in winter attire. All those warm blankets and lit up fire places add a touch of coziness. Not to forget going to coffee shops for hot beverages late at night and a walk in chilly weather adds to its enthusiasm.

Allah has created beautiful seasons throughout the year, be thankful for them and enjoy them as they bring all sorts of luxuries with them.

So, sit beside a fire place alone or with your loved ones, with a cup of your favorite hot beverage, peek out your window and enjoy the snow falling outside.

Happy winter from Baaghi TV! 


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