Sophia Mirza playing ‘Antakshari’ with friends [WATCH]

Sophia Mirza playing 'Antakshari' with friends [WATCH]

The video of actress, model and host Sophia Mirza playing Antakshari has gone viral on social media, and it has gained a lot of compliments from fans.

On Twitter, the actress, Sophia shared a video in which she can be seen with her sister Maryam Mirza and a few friends while maintaining a social distance under coronavirus SOPs. The video shows the actress playing the popular nineties game ‘Antakashri’ with friends.

Sophia Mirza, who shared the video, said Antakshari was playing with buddies without tone or rhythm during the game.

It should be noted that ‘Antakshari’ is a well-known game in which players have to sing a song starting with the last word of the previous song. You can play it as a single-player or team on WhatsApp in the form of messages or group calls as well. 

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Children born in the 1900s will be familiar with the game  ‘Antakshari’ until the Internet and smartphones stole children from their childhood values. Kids used to play ‘Antakshari’ game together in every home before the smartphone, but the smartphone has stolen this sweet childhood activity away from the new generation.

However, now that young people growing up in the shadow of technology can enjoy this game of the past, it can be played in the form of a group video call.  

All you have to do is tell the participants in the alphabet to write the names, places, animals, and things starting with the cross in groups. The first to do so will be the winner of the game. Similarly, this game can also be played one by one on call.

It should be noted that actress Sophia Mirza is very active on social media these days and in the coming days, she appears to be sharing fresh videos and photographs with friends, in which she gives health-related and daughter-related tips.

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