Statistical data on Coronavirus


10th March: A statistical data has been received from the China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Statista, after a study of 44,672 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Mainland China.

According to this survey, the centre has laid out detailed data mentioning the information related to the disease which erupted in Wuhan, a city in China in Dec 2019 and almost 116,871 people worldwide have been affected and 4,095 deaths have been confirmed so far. World Health Organization has declared a global emergency as COVID-19 has taken its toll in many countries.

As per the data, Baaghi TV has compiled the following information.

Who is at risk:

  • People who are 60 years of age and above are at a higher risk of contracting coronavirus as they have less immunity and maybe weak healthwise.
  • People who have serious medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes or lung disease.

The data study shows the percentage of infected people that die due to the coronavirus, according to which the highest number of deaths occur to the people above 80 years of age and their number is 1 in 6 persons. 1 in 12 people ranging from 70-79 years suffer death and between the age of 60-69 are 1 in 27 people. People ranging from 10 years of age to 39 have a chance of 1 in 500 people to suffer death due to coronavirus.

Coronavirus: What we need to know

Fatality rate country wise: 

COVID-19 is spreading rapidly within China and outside also, countries including UK, USA, Canada, South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, France are under threat. The number of confirmed cases outside China is highest in South Korea which is 7,478. Italy has suddenly shown a huge number of infected people of about 7,375 and following it is Iran with a number of 6,566 confirmed cases.

The percentage of the death rate due to coronavirus is highest in Italy at the moment rounding off to 5%. The death rate percentage in the USA is 4%, Iran is close behind with 3% and Germany, Singapore, HongKong and Norway have 0% death rate so far.

How contagious is it?

As per the data, coronavirus is less contagious than Bird flu, MERS, SARS, Ebola, Smallpox, Tuberculosis, Polio and Spanish Flu and more contagious than rotavirus, swine flu, chickenpox, common cold and seasonal flu.

New alarming facts on Novel Coronavirus

The fatality rate due to coronavirus is not accurate as yet but is supposed to lie between 0.7%-3.4% as compared to SARS which lies at the 11% and Bird flu is the highest ranging between 55-58%.

Majority of people recovered:

The sources have confirmed that the majority of people are recovering from COVID-19 worldwide. John Hopkins University has released data showing that 40% of the people are currently ill, 56.6% have recovered and 3.5% have died among the infected people, updated till the 9th of March.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for further updates.

Coronavirus: Debunking Myths

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