Syed Ali Gillani Appealed to celebrate Quds Day and Kashmir Day tomorrow


Hurriyat Conference Jammu Kashmir Chairman and senior leader Syed Qaim Ali Gilani has appealed to the Jamaat people to celebrate Friday as “Quds Day” and “Day of Kashmir”.

According to our report, the senior leader said that there is no way other than this for Muslim Ummah to promote unity among the imperialist powers in the ranks. India’s illegal, forced and illegally occupied territories on the land of Jammu and Kashmir and Israel’s on Palestine are the two balls of the same thread. He said that finding the solution to long-term conflicts between Palestinians and Kashmir according to the people of that areas is the priority of the Ummah.

He said that India and Israel could not occupy their own occupation over Kashmir and Palestine for a long time. Kashmiris and Palestinians will continue to get independence soon.

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