Tough new restrictions imposed in Indian Occupied Kashmir ahead of UN speeches


Srinagar, India, Sept 27 (AFP/APP):Security forces imposed tough new restrictions in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK)on Friday, fearing protests ahead of UN speeches by Indian and Pakistani leaders at the United Nations.

Concrete and razor wire barricades went up across Srinagar and other towns in the disputed Muslim-majority territory, which has been under lockdown since New Delhi scrapped Kashmir’s semi-autonomous status in early August.

“There were worries about big protests after Friday prayers. Similar restrictions are in place in other towns and areas,” an IOK police officer told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Barricades went up across roads and bridges in Occupied Srinagar as security forces in bulletproof gear guarded deserted streets following orders to stop any public rallies.

“The hospital is just a mile away from my home, but I have already walked three times the distance and am still not sure how long I need to walk to reach there,” said Mudasir Ahmad, after pleading with soldiers to let him pass at one barrier in Srinagar’s old town.

Ahmad said he wanted to visit a sick relative at the hospital. He was one of many residents on the streets who were stopped and redirected by soldiers.

Gatherings of more than four people have been banned since the August clampdown, which also saw the cutting of internet and mobile phone services.

Soldiers were posted outside Jama Masjid, Srinagar’s main mosque, which normally has tens of thousands of worshippers on a Friday but has been closed since the lockdown began.

Schools and colleges have also remained shut, along with stores and many businesses.

The main business district was largely deserted with occupation soldiers barring entry to the area.
Many traders there have remained closed since August 5 in protest at the Indian government’s actions in the territory.

Dozens of rallies against Indian rule have been held despite the lockdown, residents said.
Hundreds of Kashmiris are being held in detention without any charge announced including main leaders.

Nearly 200 people have been sent to Indian jails outside the restive Himalayan region, according to official records seen by AFP.

Read More on Kashmir Situation: Strike in Indian Held Kashmir on the appeal of Hurriyet

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