Two young men in Mexico “dress-up” as elderly citizens to get COVID vaccine


Mexico City, April 8 2021: Two young men in Mexico, both in their 30s, disguised themselves as older men and managed to get vaccinated against the Corona virus but were later caught by the authorities.

The disguise consisted of getting their hair and eyebrows dyed white. The men visited a vaccination center for over 60s wearing masks and plastic face shields, the city mayor’s office said. Both presented fraudulent identity documents and received the vaccine, but their plan fell apart when they had to speak with a worker at the center afterward.

A health worker realized the voice was not that of an old man, and that was when the authorities were called. The imposters face charges of identity theft, she said. The country of 126 million, whose official Covid-19 death toll of 205,000 is the world’s third highest, has doled out nearly 10 million vaccine doses to medical workers and the elderly.

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