U.S rejects claims of sponsoring bioweapons, warns Russia may itself use them in Ukraine

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Mar 10, 2022: According to a report by AFP, the U.S has rejected Russian claims that it supports a bioweapons program in Ukraine, saying the allegations were a sign that Moscow could soon use the weapons themselves.

“The Kremlin is intentionally spreading outright lies that the United States and Ukraine are conducting chemical and biological weapons activities in Ukraine,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement.

“Russia is inventing false pretexts in an attempt to justify its own horrific actions in Ukraine.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the claims were “preposterous” and noted that “we’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.”

“Now that Russia has made these false claims. we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them,” she said on Twitter.

On March 6, Moscow’s foreign ministry tweeted that Russian forces had received evidence that Kyiv was removing traces of a military biological program in Ukraine, which was allegedly funded by the United States.

“This Russian misinformation is nonsense,” Price said, adding that Russia “has a track record of blaming the West for the crimes that Russia itself is committing.”

The U.S said Tuesday it was working with Ukraine to prevent Russian forces from seizing biological research materials in the country.

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