UK based research proves single dose of COVID 19 vaccine can reduce household transmission by 50%

COVID 19 vaccine

London, April 8 2021: According to research published in England on Wednesday, one dose of the Pfizer/BionTech or AstraZeneca corona vaccine, was proven to reduce chances of infecting a fellow household member with the virus by 50%.

The body who published the report, Public Health England conducted research that found that people who became infected three weeks after receiving their first jab were between 38 and 49 percent less likely to pass the virus on to their household contacts than those who were completely unvaccinated.

The British health secretary, Matt Hancock hailed the research and cited it as “terrific news”. He said the world already knows how the vaccine is important in saving lives by protecting individuals but this i hard evidencez with actual real time data to support the hypothesis that the vaccine can even stop transmission to some extent. He said people must get vaccinated as that is the only way to protect themselves and also to avoid unknowingly infecting a loved one.

The methodology of the study involved drawing data from over 57,000 contacts across 24,000 household in which there was a reported infection after receiving a dose and comparing this to data from 1 million contacts of unvaccinated cases. Studies before this one showed that being vaccinated reduced the risk of developing serious symptoms of the disease by 65% after one dose even if a person becomes infected.

In previous studies conducted by the same body, it was estimated that the successful speedy roll out of the vaccine across Britain may have prevented as many as 10,400 deaths in senior citizens above the age of 60.

This study is important since it focuses on households that are deemed high risk settings by experts since even during complete curfews there are risks associated with close accommodation. This could also be extrapolated to other similar settings such as shared accommodations and prisons.

Mark Ramsay, the head of Immunisation at Public Health England also commented on the research findings saying “Not only do vaccines reduce the severity of illness and prevent hundreds of deaths every day, we now see they also have an additional impact on reducing the chance of passing COVID-19 on to others.”

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