Umm Al-Mu’minin Hazrat Khadija Al-Kubra is a Model for Muslim Women: Allama Haqqani

Today in the Ramadan transmission, Allama Abdul Shakoor Haqqani gave a comprehensive talk on the biography of Hazrat Khadija (RA). Umm Hind is the nickname and Tahira is the title. Hazrat Khadijah’s father Khawlid ibn Asad was a successful businessman and not only had a great personality in his tribe but also, due to his good dealings and honesty, was very dear and respected among all the Quraysh.

Hazrat Khadija Al-Kubra (RA) was born in the year 555 AD. She was very virtuous and noble from her childhood. When she reached the age of consciousness, she married Abu Hala bin Nabash (Zararah) Tamimi. They had two sons: one named Hala who died before the advent of Islam and the other was named Hind.

Known for your names Khadija, Umm Hind and Tahira. Hazrat Khadija (RA)’s mother’s name was Fatima, she was the son of Amir, the second son of Loi bin Ghalib. You were born 15 years before the what is commonly considered the year of the elephant in Islamic history – it is believed that Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was born in this year. Khawlid ibn Asad, the father of Hazrat Khadijah al-Kubra, was a successful businessman and not only possessed a great personality in his tribe, but also was highly respected and cherished by all the Quraysh due to his good dealings and honesty.

When Hazrat Khadija reached the age of consciousness, she was free from the impurities of the age of ignorance and was endowed with all the attributes of beauty that make a woman ideal. Her habits were pure, her taste was pleasant and her life was pure and that is why she was known in the society as “Tahira”. Along with the abundance of wealth, Allah Almighty also bestowed on Hazrat Khadija (RA) the best business tastes and skills. That is why she was a very rich and successful Arab businesswoman.

It is well known that when a caravan of people of Makkah went abroad for trade, Hazrat Khadija (RA)’s trade alone was more than the trade of all other traders. This was the time when the fame of Sarkar Do Aalam [Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)] had spread all over Mecca under the title of “Sadiq Wa Amin” and his honesty, truthfulness and noble character were the common reputation.

Therefore, Hazrat Khadija (RA) sent a message to the Prophet (SAW) saying, “Go to Syria with my merchandise. In return, I will pay you twice as much as I give to others in the profits of trade, iIf you help us in this task”. Hadi Azam (SAW) accepted the offer of Hazrat Khadija (RA), who was to become the first believer and Umm Al-Muminin in the days to come, to become an active partner in trade, and with Hazrat Khadija’s slave Maysara, he went to Basra with the trade goods.

And so Khadijah (RA) was pleasantly surprised to see the commercial gain that Allah Almighty bestowed on the merchants with the blessings of the Mercy of the Worlds and so, Maysara commended the attributes of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) which were much appreciated. Which not only impressed Hazrat Khadija immensely but compelled her to sent a message to the Prophet (SAW) through a close friend requesting marriage, which was approved by the Messenger of Allah (SAW). At the time of marriage, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was 25 years old and Hazrat Khadijah Al-Kubra (RA) was 40 years old.

Fifteen years later, Prophethood was granted to him by Allah Almighty. It foreshadowed the creation of a beautiful and ideal society for humanity, universal, and the greatest revolution. Hazrat Khadija (RA) was the first to accept Islam. This incident is mentioned in detail in Sahih Bukhari’s chapter, “Revelation”.

After the revelation, at every stage of the Prophet (SAW)’s prophetic struggle, the blessings of this marriage became apparent in full swing. Umm Al-Mumineen Hazrat Khadijah Al-Kubra (RA) not only confirmed the Prophethood first but also proved to be Prophet (SAW)’s greatest helper in the call to Islam.

The greatness of Umm Al-Mumineen Hazrat Khadija (RA) can be gauged from this that when the Prophet (SAW) wanted to perform the duties of the Prophet (SAW), Mount Hira, the Valley of Arafat, and Mount Faran, all the Arabian Peninsula were painted on his voice but, in this universal silence, there was a voice that was making waves in the atmosphere of Makkah, and this voice was raised from the blessed heart of Hazrat Khadija (RA), which was the second manifestation of Anwar-ul-Ilahi in this dark disbelief.

In the year 7 AH, when the Quraysh of Makkah resorted to social boycott with the intention of eradicating Islam and the Islamic movement, about 75 members of the Banu Hashim family were confined to the branch of Abi Talib. Hazrat Khadija (RA) was also imprisoned along with the Holy Prophet (SAW) and his family in this social and economic blockade, due to which his health was severely affected.

Thus, a few days after the end of this painful and patient social boycott which lasted for three consecutive years before the Prophet (SAW)’s migration, Rafiqa Hayat, Hazrat Khadija (RA) a long-time companion of the Prophet (SAW), left her beloved husband and returned to her Lord. The Prophet (SAW) himself descended into her grave and entrusted his greatest support in grief, to the caller of death.

Hazrat Khadija Al-Kubra (RA) has some distinguishing features among wives of the Prophet (SAW). In the books of hadiths, many hadiths have been narrated about the virtues of Hazrat Khadija (RA). The status of Hazrat Khadijah (RA) in the sight of Allah Almighty can be gauged from the narration of Bukhari Sharif that “Once Gabriel Amin came to Sayyid Al-Mursalin (SAW) and said: Hazrat Khadija (RA) is going to bring you some food. When she comes, greet her with the salutation of Allah and me.”

The strength that the Prophet (SAW) and Islam had from the person of Hazrat Khadija (RA) is evident from every single page of the Prophet (SAW)’s biography. In the biography by Ibn Hisham it is said that “she was the true advisor of the Prophet (SAW) regarding Islam.” (Ibn Hisham / Biography of the Prophet)

Hazrat Khadija (RA) used her wealth, influence and understanding to remain a shield for Islam at every critical juncture in the Meccan period. Full of knowledge and wisdom, full of understanding and foresight, a figure of self-sacrifice and sacrifice, the life of Hazrat Khadijah Al-Kabra (RA), the helper and support of her husband Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) in sorrow, is an ideal and example for pure Muslim women. We need to study her life conditions carefully and follow her for the welfare of religion and the world.

From the womb of Hazrat Khadija (RA), Allah Almighty gave the Holy Prophet (SAW) six children. Qasim (RA) was the first to be born and died in his early years. Then Zainab (RA), may Allah be pleased with her, followed by Abdullah (RA), also died, his titles were Tayyib and Tahir. Then Raqiyah (RA), then Umm Kulthum (RA), then Fatima Al-Zahra (RA) were born. Many hadiths have been narrated in the Manaqib of Hazrat Khadija Al-Kabra (RA).

Allama Syed Hasnain Mousavi in ​​his commentary on this verse says that “Allah enriched the Messenger of Allah (SAW) with the wealth of Hazrat Khadija (RA) who was the noble and wealthy among his people with whom the Prophet (SAW) was married”. Allama Syed Hasnain Mousavi stated that the wealth of Hazrat Khadijah (RA) is being called by Allah as Allah’s own wealth. Hazrat Khadijah (RA) was virtuous and pure in every way. That is why she turned down the invitations of all the Arab emperors and rulers and chose to marry a person from Mecca who had a great degree of moral character instead of materialism. This historic step of hers caused an earthquake in the world of Quraysh.

Umm Al-Muminin Hazrat Khadija Al-Kubra (RA) is a pivot in the history of Islam. She belonged to a noble Arab intellectual family. Her lineage goes back to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) after four generations. At a time when the King of Yemen, Taba, wanted to uproot the Black Stone and take it with him to Yemen, Khadija (RA)’s father, Khawlid, rose to protect the Black Stone, and the King of Yemen could not carry out his intention.

Hazrat Khadija’s ancestor Asad bin Abdul Aziz Paiman was one of the prominent members of the ‘Oath of Allegiance’. This pact was made by high-ranking Arab figures that they would support the oppressed and help the helpless.

Hazrat Khadija (RA)’s business trade extended from Syria to Egypt to Abyssinia. Thousands of camels were included in her caravan. When the news of the Prophet (SAW)’s truthfulness, honesty and morality reached Khadijah (RA), she requested that my goods be present for trade. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) accepted the offer and went to Syria with her slave Maysara. The Prophet’s first commercial journey was of immense benefit. Since then, various travel and trade took place. Whenever Hazrat Khadija (RA)’s slave Maysara came back, he would describe the Prophet (SAW)’s morals and virtues.

The Khadijah (RA) whom the rulers of Arabia wished to marry, chose Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) for her marriage, away from worldly appearances.

Hazrat Khadija (RA) sent a message to the Holy Prophet (SAW) that Ibn Umm, wants to marry you because of your kinship and your high character. He narrated this to his uncles. So, with a delegation led by Hazrat Abu Talib, Hazrat Khadijah (RA)’s uncle Umar Ibn Asad and in some traditions, visited the house of his father Khawlid. Hazrat Abu Talib stated the purpose of his visit that my nephew is better than the whole of Arabia in honor and he is the seeker of Khadijah (RA) and Khadijah (RA) is also attracted to him, I will pay whatever is due. His future is very bright and he is highly respected in the eyes of Allah.

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