United Nations must intervene to stop Indian atrocities

October 27-Black Day: Human rights’ violations in IIOJK

LAHORE, Feb 04 (APP):Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Punjab President Qamar Zaman Kaira has said the United Nations must intervene to stop Indian atrocities and gross violation of international laws in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Talking to this scribe on Thursday, he said that the impunity given to the Indian forces to crush the Kashmiri freedom struggle must be ended. He said that India had brought thousands of troops in the disputed region with no regard for the rights of the Kashmiri people. He said that the brutalities of more than 900,000 Indian troops against Kashmiris were a clear violation of all international laws. He said that worsening rights violations and forced demographic changes to transform Kashmir from a Muslim-majority territory to a Hindu-dominated region was dangerous for the peace of the region.

He said that Indian forces were involved in carrying out extrajudicial murders, custodial torture, and detaining people without any charge under the pretext of anti-terror operations.Kaira said that the day was not far when the IIOJK would get freedom from India as the Indian atrocities could not weaken the determination of the people of the valley.

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