US IT Company to Begin Operations in Peshawar: Taimur Saleem Jhagra


PESHAWAR, Feb 14 (APP): Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Health and Finance, Taimur Saleem Khan Jhagra has expressed hope that the youth of the province will get new opportunities of progress and development soon.

In a message on tweeter here Sunday, he said that an American IT company is beginning operations in Peshawar and for this purpose it has hired a Pakistani origin US citizen Zia Chishti. Taimur Jhagra while sharing his photo with the founding Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Data & Software Company, Zia Chishti on Tweeter, said that Pakistani Zia Chishti is a successful business personality of the IT sector of the world. He said that Zia Chishti has agreed on beginning operations in Peshawar,which will provide the opportunities of progress and development to the youth of the province and they will have to recognize their capabilities at international level.

The KP finance minister said that the return of expats to invest in Pakistan can bring actual change and will generate a competitive environment in private sector that will generate new employment opportunities. Taimur Jhagra said that we require Zia Chishti-like real representatives of change.

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