What action has Twitter taken against Donald Trump?

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United States President, Donald Trump’s social media account has reportedly been ‘permanently’ suspended.

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According to reports of Baaghi TV, Twitter has reportedly suspended Trump’s account permanently. The Twitter management has cited reasons of “risk of further incitement”.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, US president Trump’s Twitter account has been permanently suspended by Twitter on policy violation, this step is taken after his last tweet about not participating in Biden’s oath taking ceremony, which will happen for the first time in the history of America.

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In their full statement, Twitter stated that after “assessing the language” in tweets posted on January 8th, 2021, it was determined that they were in violation. They added that the tweets were found to be in “violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy and the user @realDonaldTrump” and “should be immediately permanently suspended from the service.”

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Trump’s account was initially locked following the incitement of Washington riots during a Congress meeting to decide Biden’s victory in the US Presidential Elections 2020. For more detailed coverage visit.

According to Baaghi TV’s reports, Pro-Trump protesters had stormed Capitol Hill as a joint sitting of both houses of Congress was taking place. The purpose of the meeting was to formally confirm Jo Biden’s victory in the presidential election. According to BBC News, a woman was killed in the riot and several protesters were arrested. Clashes broke out between protesters and security forces as barricades were broken.

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During the riots, security was tightened in the US House of Representatives and US Vice President Mike Pence was evacuated. To disperse the demonstrators, the police used tear gas and later, the American capital had been under curfew for 12 hours in Washington.

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