What’s gained & what’s lost an overview of covid–19

Inventions made us humans, fire remains one of the greatest inventions of human beings, though not apparent today.

The history of fire goes back to 440 million years to the Silurian period, the oldest known hearth, found at Qesem Cave, Israel, dates back more than 300,000 years ago. The oldest discovery of boat is around 800,000 years old. Then comes the wheel, the oldest found in archeological excavation discovered at Mesopotamia just 5,500 years old, which again changed everything for us. Then comes series of inventions like electricity, steam engine, motor vehicles, telephone, aircrafts, space expedition, travel inside the core of the earth, are just few to name here, and million more.

Here comes the internet, it got started in United States of America in recent past just 50 years back as a Government weapon in the Cold War. In 1983 researchers began to assemble the “network of network” that became modern internet which changed everything once again, as the invention of fire did for us. Today this technology, internet, has already changed way of thinking and cultural norms of societies even countries, common ways of thinking appeared, in a matter of short period of time, around the globe through social media or electronic media through internet connectivity. The inventions have achieved such a fast speed that is, sort of, impossible to imagine, people around the globe are inventing millions of new applications used through internet, this all made us one. For argument sake global warming is as great concern for people living in developed or underdeveloped country of the world, it applies, similarly for population growth, food security, health, education and so on. This is the high time to develop a common thinking for the persistence of mother earth, to which we are dependent in every way.

As a matter of fact, internet was initially started as a weapon, so the question arises why wars? There are eight primary reasons which cause war; economic gain, territorial gain, religion, nationalism, revenge, civil war, revolutionary war and defensive war. What if? the above or other reasons for war are achieved without fighting or by use of technology to achieve league of Nations? Countries spend trillion of dollars on defense budget, we humans spend more than $ 1.774 trillion, on defense expenditure without gaining anything why? Whereas, the said amount of money can be utilized for the betterment of human beings, if someone has the control. COVID -19 is the answer, I don’t find any logical or scientific reason, either its manmade or from Nature, yet it’s an admitted fact that it exists and killing people around the globe. This has brought nations to think, how to fight this virus? This common enemy is invisible, it attacks all kind of humans the physical boundaries cannot stop it, in short, it invisibly fights with humans, without any eyes, ears or sound that has made it the most dangerous enemy of mankind, as we are not equipped to fight it.

The new research estimates, using statistical models that combined data for air quality, weather conditions, emissions, population and diseases prevalence, compared with same period last year, level of nitrogen dioxide have fallen by 40% while tiny particulate matter- known as PM2.5- is down 10%, which means that people without COVID-19 can breathe easier. These two forms of pollution, which weakens the heart and respiratory system, are together normally responsible for deaths. It is also reported that clean air during lock down leads to 11000 fewer deaths in Europe, 2083 in Germany,1490, Italy 1490, France, 1230, Spain 1083 and 1752 in UK (The Guardian dt 30th April).

A glance at the fowling defense spending shows that United States is spending 684.6 US$ bn for the life and security of Americans, however, the death toll is 67,492 with number of active cases 920,647 one of the most advanced and powerful country in the world. (while writing this article, on 3rd May 2020) Similarly, it also applies for other countries, or the world.

I believe, that every soul living on the earth has already come to one point of thinking, about the COVID-19, after its spread around the world, there are 196 recognized countries, none of them have officially denied the existing fact of COVID-19. I believe this must be the utmost desire of some who has the power to control the humans through technology. What will you do? if you were have all the powers to control the human beings and make, end of wars forever?  Of course, for the humanity’s sake, someone must decide what’s best for us. The coming months and years will certainly decide our fate, as one Human-beings, things wouldn’t be the same in this world of inventions. So, leaving a question, just food for the thought, are we gaining or loosing from this Pandemic Coronavirus or COVID -19?

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