Youngest Pakistani mountaineer who has successfully scaled the Mount Everest

shehroz kashif, youngest pakistani mountaineer scaled mount everest

May 11, 2021:  Shahroze Kashif became the youngest Pakistani mountaineer to reach the summit of Mount Everest.

According to the report of Baaghi TV, 19 year old, Shahroze Kashif, a young man from Pakistan, has climbed Mount Everest to become Pakistan’s youngest climber to have done so. According to the team managing Shahroze’s social media account, Shahroze Kashif has become the fifth Pakistani to climb Mount Everest.

Shahroze Kashif has dedicated his successful attempt to the summit after Ali Sadpara. Shahroze Kashif had earlier climbed Pakistan’s fourth highest peak, Broad Peak, at 26,400 feet above sea level. He was 17 years old at the time. Shahroze Kashif is the youngest climber to fly the Pakistani flag on Broad Peak.

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