How can kids be prohibited from smoking? Conference in Muzaffarabad


Lahore, 23rd August: How can children be prohibited from smoking? A chromatic conference in Muzaffarabad revealed that 170,000 deaths are caused by smoking every year.

Baaghi TV: A conference was organized in Muzaffarabad on Monday under the auspices of Chromatic in which journalists from Islamabad and Lahore have participated.

According to the data received from the country, it has emerged that smoking is on the rise in Pakistan and our nation is being ruined.

It was informed in the conference that 83 billion cigarettes are made and blown every year. Pakistan is allowed to make cigarettes, but what is the benefit of the industry to us? What is its effect on our economy?

Smoking is destroying the future of our youth as there are reportedly one hundred and seventy thousand deaths each year from tobacco smoking.

Young children are targeted and hence we need to protect our youth from such an injurious habit.

It has come under observation that shopkeepers who sell candies and sweets also keep cigarettes to lure in young children. In this regard, they get money. If a child of thirteen or fourteen years starts smoking, then he has to smoke for the rest of his life.

According to a survey, 64% of the shopkeepers had kept cigarettes with candies and 27% were being given a discount on them.

We need to wake up the sleeping nation and stop such forces to destroy the lives of children.

In 2015, the then health minister said that the image on the pack of cigarettes was being taken up to 85%, but then the pressure on the authorities had stopped them from doing so.

Pakistan has the lowest warning written on the box. Tobacco is destroying the health of people in the region. One hundred and seventy thousand deaths have been reported by the government. Five million people go to the hospital every day because of smoking.

A survey conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) says that a good amount of salary of a person goes into cigarette smoking. When someone gets sick because of smoking, then the hospital charges leave him poorer.

According to reports, ten percent of the income is spent on cigarettes, which is almost equal to good food for three thousand children. Even children can be given good education with such an amount.

The above pictures are from the meeting held at Muzaffarabad today to ensure that our youth should stop smoking cigarettes and they should be kept on the right path.

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