Irregular Sleep and Cardiovascular Disease: What’s the connection?

Islamabad (5th Mar, 2020): Latest study suggests that irregularity in sleeping pattern may negatively affect the health of an individual. 

Experts argue that it is not simply lack of proper sleep but, also irregularity in the sleeping pattern that has a direct affect on a person’s health. They reiterate the significance the sleep has for good health.

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According to prior research, without ‘sufficient’ sleep, all aspects of health are affected especially, cognitive functioning and immunity, respectively. However, they argue that if a person sleeps between seven to eight hours per night but the sleep was irregular, he/she is at risk of suffering from health problems.

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Recent study suggests that people who have very irregular patterns of sleep, are more likely to experience cardiovascular issues in comparison to those who have a regular pattern. The study authors further argue in favor of good sleep hygiene. Tianyi Huang who is the lead author for the study, states that there should be focus on healthy diet and exercise to ensure good quality sleep.

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He adds that we tend to focus on the number of hours we sleep but not on the regularity of it.

[bs-quote quote=”Even when we talk about sleep, we tend to focus on duration — how many hours a person sleeps each night — but not on sleep irregularity and the impact of going to bed at different times, or sleeping different amounts from night to night.” style=”style-8″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Tianyi Huang ” author_job=”Lead Study Author”][/bs-quote]

He argues that the study helps to maintain that healthy sleep does not necessarily mean quantity. Moreover, he stresses that the quality has far more impact on an individuals’ health. This means that is you sleep for eight hours or more during the night yet feel under-rested and/or tired the next morning, then the quality of your sleep is unhealthy leading you towards unhealthy and irregular sleep patterns. Thereby, the focus should be on maintaining the quality of sleep rather than completing the desired number of hours.

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