Social Media users lash out at Malala for her silence on Kashmir issue.


Social media users lash out at Noble laureate Malala for her silence on Kashmir issue, where gross human rights violation is carried out by Indian security forces.

According to reports of Baaghitv, social media users are criticizing Noble peace Prize laureate Malala Yoyusafzai over her silence on the Kashmir issue. India has stripped the Kashmir of its special status by revoking Article-370 and Article 35-A of Indian constitution. However, Malala Yousafzai has not uttered a single word on this grave violation of the UN recognized disputed territory.

A user wrote on tweeter, where is Malala today when Muslims women are brutally tortured by Indian security forces?


A user wrote on social media, Malala has not said a word about Kashmir, a case of human rights.

Another person took to social media and wrote Malala was talking about World Cup Kabul attacks, Christchurch massacre but she is silent on Kashmir.


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