Accused arrested for torturing wife and keeping her in confinement 




Lahore: Inspector General of Police Punjab Rao Sardar Ali Khan has said that the accused involved in violence, abuse and harassment of women and children do not deserve any sympathy. RPOs and DPOs should personally ensure swift actions in such cases.

IG Punjab directed DPO Bahawalnagar to immediately arrest accused last night after the video of brutal torture and harassment of wife tied with ropes came to light. DPO Bahawalnagar took immediate action against the victim and rescued woman alongwith providing her medical aid.

DPO Bahawalnagar assured provision of justice to victim, her brother and father by IG Punjab. Police raided various places all over night to arrest brutal accused Muhammad Hussain. With effective planning and efforts of police, the callous accused Muhammad Hussain was arrested within few hours and further action is being taken against him in this regard.

IG Punjab has directed DPO Bahawalnagar to follow up the case and punish the accused severely by court. Rao Sardar Ali Khan further said that incidents of violence and harassment against women should be immediately reported to the police so that the process of convicting such accused by court could be expedited.


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