Buzdar announces reduction in fares of public transport


Lahore, 16th May: Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has reportedly given permission to open intercity and district transport with the announcement of a 20 percent reduction in transport fares for passengers.

According to details, a big step was taken by the Buzdar government to provide relief to the common man. Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar gave permission to open intercity and district transport and announced a 20% reduction in transport fares for passengers.

Usman Bazdar also decided to open the online taxi and transport service in Punjab. He said that the implementation of SOPs on public transport has to be ensured. It has been made mandatory for passengers, drivers and conductors to wear masks.

He said that it would be essential to keep sanitizers in the buses, a necessary distance would be maintained between the passengers on the buses.

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On the other hand, Chaudhry Majeed, President Bus Owners Association, said that the reduction in fares will be implemented as soon as the transport opens. Negotiations between us and the Punjab government have been successful. The Punjab government has accepted our proposal to reduce fares.

It may be recalled that the Punjab government had decided to allow the operation of public transport and had sought SOPs plan for transport. The report submitted to the Punjab Chief Minister said that the closure of transport had increased the hardships of the common man. Due to compulsion, people are using expensive private vehicles. The report recommended that the public and the transport sector need permission for relief.

It may be recalled that Usman Buzdar was adamant that fares should be reduced by at least 40percentt as public transporters had doubled fares on the rise of petroleum products but now the prices of petroleum products have come down drastically.

However, the transporters pointed out that since the instructions have been issued to keep the passengers at a distance due to the coronavirus, the revenue would be very less, which the Chief Minister conditionally accepted their request.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more news and updates!

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