China accused India of building “illegal” defence facilities in the Galwan Valley region, which is controlled by Beijing


China on Monday accused India of building “illegal” defence facilities in the Galwan Valley region of the disputed Aksai Chin area, which is controlled by Beijing but claimed by New Delhi.

Chinese border troops enhanced control measures in the area, a state media report said quoting an anonymous military source.

The nationalistic tabloid published the report on Monday about the developments in the Galwan region.

Protracted rounds of negotiations have failed to resolve the 3488 km long border dispute between the two neighbours.

Troops from the two countries had clashed at the Galwan Valley region ahead of the 1962 war.

“In a resolute response to India’s recent, illegal construction of defense facilities across the border into Chinese territory in the Galwan Valley region, Chinese border defense troops have made the necessary moves and enhanced control measures,” the report said, quoting a Chinese military source.

China says the area is located in the Hotan prefecture of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

“The Galwan Valley region is Chinese territory, and the local border control situation was very clear. The actions by the Indian side have seriously violated China and India’s agreements on border issues, violated China’s territorial sovereignty and harmed military relations between the two countries, according to the source”.

The report added that troops from both sides were in contact with each other about the current situation.

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