Coronavirus: Sister of the Ex-Senator suspected of the virus


Lahore, 19th March: According to the reports of Baaghi TV, the sister of an ex-senator of Pakistan was suspected of coronavirus disease and on testing, her reports came positive.

As per the sources, Miss Nazia Gulzar, the sister of the influential ex-senator Waqar Gulzar, has recently come back from her overseas trip and might have contracted the virus there. On returning, she planned a party with her colleagues in a private restaurant in the Lahore Gulberg area.

Later she got sick and went for her tests in a private laboratory, which came positive for the coronavirus. This has raised alarm and suspicion among the rest of the 60 people who attended the party but nobody is cooperating as yet to go-ahead for their tests.

The lady has been transferred to the Mayo Hospital after her tests were being confirmed by the health department and the district administration.

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The Lahore police have sealed the house of Miss Nazia Gulzar and all the inhabitants have been quarantined inside their place. The Assistant Commissioner of the Lahore Model Town police has talked to the people at the Gulzar House and confirmed the news.

The Punjab Government has announced the closure of all the stores, malls, shops, restaurants and parks at 10 pm, to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for further updates.

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