Diplomacy is the art of good Bureaucracy

Diplomacy and battle action go side by side in deciding relations between countries.
In diplomacy, generally countries enjoy bilateral agreements, concessions and mutual trust for the benefit of their peoples which is the art of good bureaucracy but some time in a diplomacy we go through tough conditions, a powerful country dictations such as ‘do more’ and sets demands, a timeline to fulfill the demand or otherwise face consequences.
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“Pakistan foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards all the nations of the world. We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. We believe in the principle of honesty and fair play in national and international dealings and are prepared to make our utmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world. Pakistan will never be found lacking in extending its material and moral support to the oppressed and suppressed peoples of the world, and in upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter.”
Pakistan’s diplomacy history is rich and fulfilled with success and some graver challenges. Pakistan is new born state who faced and competed with other countries diplomacy. In the past, Pakistan has also faced worse diplomatic situations with some consequences. And in most cases, the pressure came from superpowers. Pakistan’s early diplomatic history is valid as follow:
- Early Period (From 1947-1950)
- Early Modern Period (1950-1960)
- Industrialization Period (1961-1970)
- Tension Period (1970-2000)
- Modern Period (2000-present)
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Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Founder of Pakistan and its first Governor General, in a broadcast talk to the people of the USA in February 1948, outlined the goals of Pakistan’s foreign policy where the Constitution of Pakistan lays down guidelines for the conduct of foreign policy of the country. Article 40 of the constitution provides that:
“The State shall endeavour to preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries based on Islamic unity, support the common interests of the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America, promote international peace and security, foster goodwill and friendly relations among all nations and encourage the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means.”
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The foreign policy of Pakistan is primarily directed to the pursuit of national goals of seeking peace and stability through international cooperation. Special emphasis is laid on economic diplomacy to take advantages offered by the process of globalization as also to face challenges of the 21st century. Our foreign policy is also geared to project the image of the country as a dynamic and moderate society.
The foreign policy of Pakistan seeks to promote the internationally recognized norms of interstate relations, i.e. respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States, non-interference in the internal affairs of other State; non-aggression and peaceful settlement of disputes. Pakistan has therefore always sought to develop friendly and cordial relations with all countries of the world.
In light of the guiding principles laid down by the founding fathers and the constitution as also aspirations of the people of Pakistan, the objectives of foreign policy is Promotion of Pakistan as a dynamic, progressive, moderate, and democratic Islamic country, Developing friendly relations with all countries of the world, especially major powers and immediate neighbours, Safeguarding national security and geo-strategic interests, including Kashmir, Consolidating our commercial and economic cooperation with international community, Safeguarding the interests of Pakistani Diaspora abroad, Ensuring optimal utilization of national resources for regional and international cooperation.
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Pakistan achieved foreign policy in term of joining United Nations and in result the World has recognized the status of Pakistan as a new born nation state. Everyone know that Pakistan was first Muslim and third noncommunist state that recognized China that proved in future strategic partnership as well with China. Pakistan forged amicable relations with the newly-established Muslim countries, and supported the freedom movements of Indonesia, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Eritrea against the Western colonial powers that lead to regional identification of Pakistan.
There was time that Pakistan has been subjected to coercive diplomacy in past which caused the failure in diplomacy i.e. that was time to influence in the South Asian region by Pakistan, but actually Pakistan could not play as such more role in regional configuration. The war of 1948 for Kashmir is also like bad or evil, just try to understand that Pakistan should pay heed to survival, nor wars as new born state in the world.
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Diplomacy is the art for successful diplomacy we have to rethink whether or not our foreign, economic and domestic policies are aligned to realize the gravity of the situation. We as a nation need to look at the options to counter three big war doctrines perpetuated on Pakistan. We need to weigh our economy, to plug the loopholes in the system and to strengthen participatory democracy and people’s centric governance so that we can win over our people by building their confidence in state and the system and providing them a decent living and justice and inculcate them the feeling of being equal citizens living in a peaceful and tolerant society. The people of Pakistan together with its military and political leadership can defeat all nefarious war doctrines against their country.
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