On February 4, 2022, University of Management and Technology (UMT) organised a seminar named “Pakistan’s Kashmir Policy: Objectives and Approaches” to support and express solidarity with the people Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
According to the details, Federal Minister and Chairman Kashmir Committee Shehryar Khan Afridi was the chief guest along with Pakistan’s leading investigative journalist Mubasher Lucman. Moreover, President Kashmir Youth Alliance (KYA) Dr Mujahid Gilani was also invited at the event. Rector UMT, Dr Asif Raza was also present at the seminar along with Dr Shoaib Pervez who is the Head of Department (HoD) of School of Politics and International Relations at UMT.
While addressing the seminar, Dr Shoaib highlighted some important guidelines to the policy makers by appealing to the government and establishment of Pakistan. Like the national security policy of the country, a national Kashmir policy should also be formulated; if there is a strong policy only then things will move forward, he added.
While expressing his views on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day at UMT, Dr Shoaib Pervez said that Kashmiris will never be able to get independence from the ongoing efforts of Kashmiris for independence movement. He shook his head and said that there was a time when parties like Jamaat-ud-Dawa used to raise funds for Kashmir Jihad and reach out to help Kashmiri Mujahideen.
Furthermore, Dr Pervez also emphasized on the role of Pakistan Armed Forces in the Kashmir independence movement.
“The entire nation is with Pakistan’s forces. The government will also have to take bold steps regarding Kashmir policy and move on to the decisive stage. We have strange attitudes and dispersed individuals who are turning their repentance against the institutions as well as individuals striving for the independence of Kashmiris in accordance with the wishes of New Delhi,” he added.
While talking on the occasion, he termed the stance of all international organisations as ‘pro-India’. International organisations do not speak up regarding the efforts of Pakistan against the massive massacre of Kashmiris, he said.
“When we draw the world’s attention to the massacre of Kashmiris, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and other pro-Indian organizations do not listen to us and turn a blind eye to our efforts. When the entire world is on one side, we have to move forward to stop atrocities on Kashmiris and only then Kashmir will become independent,” Dr Shoaib Pervez added.
He repeatedly said that the Establishment should openly support the Kashmiri Mujahideen by reviewing its Kashmiri policy keeping in view the Indian support of the international community.
During his talk, he pointed towards Mubasher Lucman saying that this person here is always fighting like a Mujahid for Kashmir’s independence movement. Referring to the journalist, Dr Pervez said that he also introduced the youth who are striving for Kashmiris and pledged to take up this issue on every forum.
He said that like Mr Lucman, he would continue to raise his voice on every forum for the liberation of Kashmiris and if need be, would join the struggle in practice. The need is now to wash away the past shortcomings and failures and enter the decisive phase for the independence of Kashmir.
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