Dr.Zakir Naek exposes British strategy to divide Muslims among themselves


The renowned religious scholar Doctor Zakir Naek exposed the British strategy of unfair partition of sub-continent with the aim of pitting Muslim against other Muslim on Monday.

According to reports of Baaghitv, Doctor Zaek Naek has held Britishers responsible for the situation in Indian occupied Kashmir (IoK) largely due to unfair partition of sub-continent in 1947. Dr,Zakir Naek said, ”When the Britishers left, they divided India into three parts; West Pakistan, East Pakistan which later on became Bangladesh and India because they wanted to divide the Muslims into three different areas. Approximately, one-third went to Pakistan, one-third went to Bangladesh and one-third stayed in India. Later on, they divided East and West Pakistan into three different countries to let the Muslims decide [their future]. Kashmir opted to join India under the conditions that we[Kashmir] is independent. Article 370 of Indian Constitution says Kashmir is independent; it will have its own constitution, it will have its own laws, it will have its own government. There may be an umbrella of India but they are independent. No non-Kashmiri can come and buy land in Kashmir. All this is mentioned [in the Constitution] but seventy years later, the BJP government-the anti-Islamic government scraped this and made Kashmir into the union territory. There are some Muslim countries objecting to this move, but they are not united in this cause.”

Doctor Zaek Naek giving reference to Pulwama incident quoted renowned columnist Robert Fisk, who wrote an article on 20th of February 2019 in which he said, ”When i heard the news that terrorist camp are being attacked-terrorists have been killed and the madrassas are being destroyed, i thought this is news of Israel bombing Palestine , may be Gaza strip, may be Syria then he hears Balakot in Pakistan.”

India in February attacked Pakistan and claimed it has destroyed terrorists camps but Robert Fisk said, ”they may have hit rocks and stones…” but to show the people they have attacked Pakistan and PM Narendra Modi asked Indian Air Force to attack even if their are clouds. Robert Fisk said India is being trained by Israel to attack Pakistan and says future is going to be divided. After the destruction of Syria they are attacking Kashmir but Muslim Ummah is doing nothing.

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