Elections 2020 have led Americans to disaster


Lahore, 4th November: Donald Trump or Joe Biden, whoever becomes the President, America will go to disaster, this election will affect the whole world.

Baaghi TV: This day is of great importance not only in America but all over the world. The US presidential election is being watched by the whole world and this election has now taken a big tough shape.

Pakistan’s famous anchor Mubahser Lucman discusses the current situation of the US Elections with the senior journalist Sabis Shah and famous singer Salman Ahmed on his YouTube program.

According to Baaghi TV, in the live coverage today, the investigative reporter from Jung Group, Sabir Shah and well-known singer Salman Ahmed, who lives in the United States, are seen talking about the US Elections 2020 on Mubahser Lucman’s program ‘Khara Sach.’


In his speech, Sabir Shah said that this is not the first US election which seems to be controversial but many previous elections have also been controversial.

Shah says that due to these controversial elections, the debate is now intensifying to hold direct elections.

Well-known singer Salman Ahmed, in response to a question, said that Americans have different societies in different parts of the world, whether they are blacks or religious people. Trump incited hatred in American society, made big claims and played with people’s emotions. Now there are issues of COVID-19 but still, the majority is voting for Trump.

Salman Ahmed says that earlier it was known that Trump would lose the match but he can turn the tide any time now. Salman Ahmed also said that it is possible that the mail vote could lead to Biden’s victory.

Sabir Shah said that the history of American presidents is such that they have been messing with their interests in America. The United States is a huge economic power, which is why such issues are suppressed there because of the economy.

Leading analyst General Ghulam Mustafa, in response to a question, said that Donald Trump is an unconventional president and he would not refrain from fighting among the American people to save his presidency. He said that he delivered a speech at 2 pm and then he threatened, which is a sign.

Sabir Shah further said that postal voting is a big issue and it may be possible to return it late at night.

General Ghulam Mustafa said that if Trump wins then things will be as usual and if the group loses then he has already said that he will not accept these results and will go to the Supreme Court and then things will be decided by the Supreme Court.

General Ghulam Mustafa said that whatever the outcome, it must be acknowledged that these elections have led Americans to disaster, whether it be a war of language, a war of colour, a war of religion, or a regional catastrophe.

US policies with Iran and Turkey, as well as with Pakistan, could be affected after the Elections of 2020.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for all the latest news and updates!

Historical precedent set in US Presidential Elections 2020



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