Embrace compassion and the conduct of the Prophet in your life: Rehmat Hee Rehmat

Adopt compassion and Aswa Rasool in your life, Rehmat Hee Rehmat Iftar transmission, powered by Q-Mobile.

Baaghi TV: Rehmat Hee Rehmat Iftar transmission today had a discussion titled “Favorite virtue of Rahmatullah“. At the beginning of the program, senior anchor person Mubasher Lucman said that compassion is a virtue which Allah Almighty loves very much. And the merciful man is the favorite of Allah. Have mercy on those who dwell on the earth. The one in heaven will have mercy on you. The first deserving of compassion are human beings. Whether he is a Muslim or a non-Muslim, it is a pity to have mercy on him who is in trouble, to remove his troubles and tribulations as much as you can, even if he is a disbeliever or a polytheist.

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Since Allah Almighty is very merciful, we pray to Allah to have mercy on us and not to do justice, because if He does justice we will all be killed, so we pray to Allah for mercy. May He have mercy on us in every situation (Ameen sum-ameen).

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Speaking further on the subject, Mubasher Lucman described his experience as a very touching one, saying that it was many years ago. We found a woman in a remote area of ​​South Punjab who took a loan from the extremely poor fraternity and then repaid it, saying that after a long journey we reached her. She was very poor. She sat us on a bed and treated us kindly. It is said that this woman had nothing. She gave us the milk that was available. Then we asked her if she had paid for the loan. She said, “I took a goat and she used to give milk. Then a girl became a widow, so I gave her this goat so that she could make a living.”

Mubasher Lucman added, “I said, ‘What did you do? You gave me the goat.’ The woman replied, ‘She gave birth to a child. I kept the child”.

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Describing the incident, he said that it was an ultimate example of compassion that one should return what one has to another and not even think about it. While a rich man who has millions of crores, it doesn’t matter if he gives.

Najam Shiraz said that it should be clear that if mercy is done in such a way, then Allah likes it very much. A point was also raised on this occasion that when we help someone, do not advertise it but do it quietly. So the anchor Maryam Khan said that goodness should be publicized but the one with whom goodness should be done should not be brought to the fore. Thus, their self esteem is protected.

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On one occasion, Mubasher Lucman said that whoever spends the whole day working hard. There is a big difference between this and the one who easily earns a lot, and when the laborer pays forward, what does he have to say, how much will he be rewarded?

Najam Shiraz went on to say, “When I do charity work and fundraising around the world, Pakistanis pay back from their limited earnings.” Mubasher Lucman said that Overseas Pakistanis deserve a lot of praise in this matter and I am a big fan of them. That they work hard all their lives and give alms out of their sustenance.

Similarly, Najam Shiraz, while making a point, said that Allah, Who has shown mercy to all of us, is aware of our every action and perpetual deed. Or just look at the unwanted thing. We do not immediately use our language to judge anyone. Which then spreads like a virus and destroys its honor and dignity.

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Rehmat Hi Rehmat Iftar transmission discussion about ‘Favorite virtue of Rahmatullah’.

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