Emergency Response Unit to provide ration to 2000 affected families: Ziaullah Bangash


KOHAT , March 25 (APP):Advisor to Chief Minister on Science and Information Technology , Ziaullah Bangash  on Wednesday said that  Emergency Response Unit would  provide ration to needy people after by lockdown for stopping the spread  of  Corona.

In a statement , he said the emergency unit will  pro­vide food supplies to daily wagers and poor people in current situation after Corona virus outbreak. The emergency supply unit comprises NGO workers, social activists, po­litical  parties representatives and other local elders.

” We have compiled data of 2000 daily wagers in Ko­hat till date and soon we will provide them food rations for 10 days “. He urged people to stay home and ob­serve social distancing, which can help fight Corona virus pandemic.

The advisor said  that donations being collected from local philanthropists to provide help to large number of families and cater needs of people affected by lockdown.

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