EU Allocates 1.15 Million Euros Assistance for Pakistan’s Flood Victims


ISLAMABAD, Oct 26 (APP): The European Union has allocated Euro 1.15 million for Pakistan to cope with the damage caused by the the devastating monsoon rains and floods across the country during August and September.

The fund is part of a multi-donor response that would support over 420,000 people and help address the most pressing needs of around 75,000 people in the hardest hit provinces of the country, Bernard Jaspers-Faijer, head of EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Islamabad, said while taking to APP.

He said, “We stand by the people of Pakistan, many of whom have suffered tremendous losses in the wake of the floods.”

Replying to a question , he said, “This contribution from the EU will enable our partners on the ground to scale up their operations and deliver vital assistance to those most in need, helping them to get back on their feet at the earliest possible.”

He said the aid would also support the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), a consortium of INGOs (international non-governmental organizations) working together in the Alliance 2015 (CESVI, ACTED and CONCERN Worldwide) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent in providing much-needed assistance to the most affected people, including the distribution of emergency food assistance, cash transfers, shelter repair tool kits, clean water supplies and other essential relief items.

“It will also ensure access to sanitation facilities and good hygiene practices for those hit by the floods. Special attention will be placed on the most vulnerable and marginalised groups, including female-headed households and people with disabilities”, he added.

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