Government Makes a Significant Change in Electricity Prices

The government of Pakistan has planned to give relief to the people after the Cabinet Energy Committee approved a cheaper electricity package for four months in winter – electricity to be PKR 6 to 10 per unit cheaper.
A meeting of the Cabinet Energy Committee was held under the chairmanship of Planning Minister Asad Omar in which the package of cheaper electricity was approved.
Sources suggest, under the package, domestic, commercial and general services users will get a benefit of PKR 7 to 10 per unit on additional electricity consumption.
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According to reports, under the discounted power package, two formulas will be used to provide cheaper electricity to the consumers. The formula will be applied to the consumers in which the consumer has used more electricity. Under the first formula, the price of electricity used for more than 300 units will be PKR 12.96 per unit.
It was revealed that the electricity bill was sent to the people on a 37-day basis instead of the stipulated 31 days. At present, the price per unit for use of more than 300 units of electricity ranges from PKR 19.55 paisa to PKR 22.65 paisa per unit for domestic, commercial and general services sectors.
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Under the second formula, the consumer will get a relief of PKR 6 and a half to PKR 10 per unit on the additional electricity of this month as much as he consumes from last year.
The final approval of the cheaper electricity package will be given by the government while the package will be applicable in the whole country including electricity and the package will be effective from November 1 to February 28, 2022.
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