Here’s How Twitteratis Break The Internet With COVID20 Thread


Lahore, 21st December: A new variant of COVID-19 has started creating panic in the UK. As per the latest reports, stringent lockdowns have been put in place in London, Wales and South-east England.

Amid the fear of a new strain of coronavirus, people on social media have stormed it with memes and funny messages.

According to reports from Baaghi TV, netizens on Twitter have started a hilarious thread by the name of ‘COVID 20’.

With the year 2020 coming to an end, and frightful news about the latest virus variant in the UK, social media users tried their best to convert the grave situation into a humorous one.

Twitteratis have excelled in sharing various ideas on how they would be celebrating the new year 2021:

Some users became excited to think that exams this year might be cancelled again:

Twitteratis have their own way of welcoming 2021 this time:

Meanwhile, the new strain of coronavirus identified in the United Kingdom is up to 70% more infectious, after which European countries including Switzerland, Germany, France and Italy have banned travel to and from the UK.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for all the interesting news!

COVID-19: More countries ban travel to the UK

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