Indian Channel Praises Pakistani PM

NEW DELHI (15th Oct, 2019): Indian news channel has reportedly praised the personality of Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan.

According to details, India Today took to their website and shared the beautiful pictures of Imran Khan with the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton.

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India Today shared the beautiful picture series of British royal visit to Pakistan with the caption “Kate Middleton took Imran Khan back to Princess Diana’s 1997 Pak visit.”

Reportedly, some of the Indian do not like this post by ‘India Today’. One Indian social media user wrote “Stop glorifying Imran Khan in any form…. have some dignity for our country.”

Another user wrote “this media will not be on any side! They are just a piece for sh****T for every country.”

‘India Today’ also shared the mesmerizing pictures of Lady Diana’s historical visit to Pakistan.

Reportedly, British Royals visit to Pakistan has graced the headlines even in India. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and Kate Middleton are currently in Pakistan for their five-day historic visit.

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