Indian leaders criticize Modi govt over Kashmir

Indian leaders criticize Modi govt over Kashmir #Baaghi

The BJP government under the leadership of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is continuing to arrest critics of its policies while facing strong criticism from Indian leaders over the illegal move.

According to Supriya Sule, a member of the Lok Sabha, not including Kashmir in government bills is biased. Congress member Shashi Tharoor says Indian black law has exposed Indian democracy. National Congress leader Mustafa Kamal has termed India’s move unconstitutional. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has questioned the real situation in Kashmir. Meanwhile, Priyanka Gandhi has termed Indian measures in occupied Kashmir as unconstitutional and undemocratic.

Nobel laureate Amartya Sen criticized the current situation in Kashmir and said that the rights of all human beings should be upheld. Indian scholar Navnita Chadha Behera said that democratic principles are being abolished in India, more worryingly that this could happen to any other state. There are very few people in favor of federalism, which is a threat to Indian democracy.

In addition, President Dr. Arif Alvi has said that Pakistan stands by its principled position on Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the nation stands with Kashmiris in its just struggle for self-determination. In his message on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5, he said that the final decision regarding the state of Jammu and Kashmir would be in accordance with the will of the Kashmiri people only.

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Dr. Arif Alvi said that the matter of Jammu and Kashmir is one of the oldest issues on the agenda of the United National Security Council (UNSC). The dispute could not be resolved due to Indian bigotry, human rights, and violations of international law. The Kashmiri people have been fighting against difficult conditions, terrorism, and oppression for the last seven decades, while India is using inhumane tactics, brutal laws, and state terrorism in Kashmir.

Paying tribute to the Kashmiris for their unparalleled commitment to the legitimate right to self-determination, the President said that the Kashmiri people would surely be at the forefront of the courageous struggle against oppression and illegal occupation. He said that India was involved in detention, violence, use of pellet guns and demolition of houses across the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK). However, attempts to control the Kashmiris’ independence movement have failed.

On the other hand, on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity, Prime Minister Imran Khan said in his Twitter message that Pakistan is united with its Kashmiri brothers and sisters and is committed to their legitimate struggle for the right to self-determination. Modi’s fascist policies of repression and violence have failed to crush the Kashmiris’ spirit of resistance.

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He said it was time for the world to take note of India’s grave human rights violations in Kashmir, including crimes against humanity, war crimes, and acts of genocide, as well as the threat of forced demographic change. All of this is in flagrant violation of the Geneva Conventions.

The Prime Minister said that it was the responsibility of the international community to ensure a fair referendum in Kashmir. The world should not ignore the plight of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and their undeniable desire to liberate themselves from the brutal military occupation of the Indian state.

Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif said that the dream of peace and development in South Asia can not be fulfilled without a just solution to the Kashmir issue. The illegal Indian measures of 5 August 2019 are in violation of UN resolutions. The international community should hold India accountable for serious human rights violations. Today, we salute the Kashmiri martyrs. The Palestine and Kashmir conflicts are a challenge to the United Nations, the Security Council, and the international community. Until the conflict is resolved, the basic objectives of the UN will not be achieved. The United Nations must ensure a just solution to the Kashmir and Palestine disputes in order to restore its credibility.

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PPP (Pakistan Peoples Party) Chairman Bilawal Zardari said that the independence of occupied Kashmir was the mission of “Quaid-e-Awam” Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The ongoing struggle for the right to self-determination will continue to have the support of the PPP. The Kashmir issue is a burden on the incomplete agenda of the subcontinent’s partition and global conscience. India has failed to suppress the struggle of Kashmiris, thereby, the international community will have to fulfill its responsibilities.

Federal Minister Asad Omar said that the right to self-determination is a fundamental right of the people of Kashmir. Pakistan stands by the Kashmir cause with full determination. Modi’s Hindutva government has intensified its oppression and barbarism to suppress the spirit of Hurriyat, Modi’s attempt to occupy Kashmir permanently has breathed a new life into the resistance of the Kashmiri people. The international community needs to take steps to curb Indian atrocities in the Occupied Territories.

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