Iran favor’s the strategy of PM Imran Khan to protect of the Honor of Holy Prophet(PBUH)



Iran favor’s the strategy of PM Imran Khan to protect of the Honor of Holy Prophet(PBUH). Together, the two countries will fulfill their role at the globally.

Regarding Iran’s acceptance of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s national and strong stance, Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the Iranian leadership has decided that Pakistan and Iran should work together for the honor of the Prophet and the glory of Islam.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi has said that Hujjat-ul-Islam Ahmad Marvi and the Iranian leadership have unanimously decided that for the honor of the Prophet, for the sanctity of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and for the glory of Islam, Pakistan and Iran should raise their voices together and in every forum. We will unite the Ummah.

The Foreign Minister said that Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision is to unite the entire Ummah on this issue and to convince the West that the class, the people or the institutions that commit blasphemy against the Holy Prophet (PBUH). They should be brought to justice.

“It is very important to bring such elements to justice and our struggle in this regard will continue, God willing,” he said.

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