Lord Ahmed of Rotherham convicted for child sex offences

Lord Ahmed of Rotherham convicted for child sex offences

Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, a previous Labor peer has been found guilty of sexual offenses against two children during the 1970s.

He was indicted for rape of a young boy and the attempted rape of a young girl. Sheffield Crown Court heard the second sexual misconduct occurred in Rotherham when he was fairly younger.

The 64-year-old, who showed up under a name of Nazir Ahmed, had denied the charges.

During preliminary, investigator Tom Little QC told the court Lord Ahmed had attempted to assault the young girl in the mid 1970s, when the accused was aged 16 or 17 however she was a lot more youthful.

The assault on the kid, who was under 11 at that point, additionally occurred during a similar period.

Mr. Little said Lord Ahmed guaranteed the claims were a “malignant fiction” yet a telephone recording of a 2016 discussion between the two casualties showed they were not “made-up or prepared”. The lady’s call was incited by an email from the male casualty saying: “I have proof against that pedophile,” the jury recently heard.

Lord Ahmed was accused along of his elder brothers, Mohammed Farooq, 71, and Mohammed Tariq, 65, yet both were considered unsuitable to stand the trial. Both had been indicted for assault of the same boy assaulted by the peer.

However the men didn’t face a criminal trial, jurors presumed that they were guilty after the evidences were presented.

Lord Ahmed, who was sentenced after a retrial, left the House of Lords in November 2020 after a direct board report closed he had physically and emotionally took advantage of a weak lady who looked for his assistance.

The investigation into his conduct followed a BBC Newsnight examination. The report made him the primary companion to be suggested for removal however he surrendered before this could be executed.

Rosemary Ainslie, top of the Crown Prosecution Service’s unique wrongdoing division, said:

“By these decisions the jury has obviously concluded that regardless of the postponement between the offenses and the preliminary, and the safeguards raised, they could be certain that the records of the casualties were solid and valid. One of these respondents stood firm on a foothold of force, impact and obligation regarding a few time in the House of Lords yet this case plainly delineates that where there is adequate proof, even in testing cases, the CPS will bring an arraignment, put proof before a jury and see legitimate feelings.”

The appointed authority, Mr. Justice Lavender, bailed Lord Ahmed to show up at a similar court for condemning on 4 February.

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