Lucman raises questions on the licenses of the PIA pilots

Lahore, 27th May: Mubasher Lucman in his latest video exposes the PIA and the license gained by the pilots.
Lucman asks the most important questions regarding the PIA airbus crash case that is still unsolved. Was it the mistake of the pilot and his crew? Were they tired and the reflexes were slow? Was the support department at the airport capable to handle the situation?
Mubasher Lucman points out that so many questions are still unanswered and the blame game is on and like history, this investigation will also bear no result and will only prove to dust the dirt under the carpet.
Lucman suggests that it is in the interest of everyone to make a wider group of investigators to resolve any standoffs and include members of all flying bodies even PALPA, and Airbus staff.
This is not the first time that PIA flight has crashed and neither it is possible to bring back the dead but if we take proper measures and ascertain the right reasons for this crash we might be able to reduce the risk in the future.
Majority of staff flying planes for PIA are under qualified or have been involved in accidents in the past for which they were grounded and after sometime due to influence and memberships in different labor unions have got back their job risking lives of passengers.
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As per the senior anchor, this crash has raised a question on the ability of the ground staff who allowed the pilot to land when it was clearly communicated that the speed and altitude was not right for landing. An alternate landing of Faisal base would have saved the incidence but now it is to late to talk about.
Lucman suggests that it is high time we have to look into matters like losses in Shaheen Air, allotment of lands, and other unhealthy practices like unqualified temporary hiring. The temporary hiring are not for a porter but a technician and engineers who are involved in the repair and maintenance of aircraft.
All the labor unions have to be abolished as they become an aide and save the culprits and also blackmail the organisation resulting in deterioration of services.
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Lucman feels that the need of the hour is to bring in professionals who can independently run the operation and do not get involved in politics. As without accountability and enforcement of Standard operating procedures, this organisation will always risk the lives of the passengers.
We all citizens of Pakistan have the right to ask why such a prestigious institution is being destroyed by traitors and incompetence of unqualified corrupt individuals?
In the end, Lucman adds that the deaths of innocent people can not be forgiven and the one involved have to be identified and brought to justice.
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