Meet Social Activist from Kashmir helping India battle Covid crisis


June 6, 2021: Even as the country reels under an exponential rise of Covid-19 cases and crippling healthcare, this Social Activist Peer Tehleel Manzoor( @tehleelmanzoor) has emerged as saviour for many at this hour of crisis.

A young and Budding Social Activist Peer Tehleel Manzoor from Kashmir Srinagar district has become emerging youth Icon among people in Punjab as well as in Kashmir and has won hearts of People after he strongly stands to fight the Covid-19 as he helps hundreds of People which were stranded in different districts in Punjab .

India is witnessing an unprecedented medical crisis at the moment. With a record number of Covid cases being reported every day, the healthcare infrastructure has almost crippled. Several states are crying for help as oxygen supply, emergency Covid-related medicines are not enough to meet the needs of the patients.

It is at this time, social media has come to the rescue, and social worker such as Peer Tehleel Manzoor have emerged as saviours for many. From delivering oxygen cylinders to refilling them, finding ICU beds, feeding Covid patients, looking for plasma, this Covid hero is doing it all.

Well-known Social & Human Rights Activist Peer Tehleel Manzoor has been lauded for his exemplary work during the Covid crisis. He is working mostly Jammu & Kashmir , Delhi, Punjab , Chandigarh. Peer Tehleel Manzoor is Associated with Chinar Foundation led by Markandey Katju ( Former Judge Supreme Court of India & Former Chairman , Press Council of India) & is the Former President of Global Students Union.

Recently Peer Tehleel Manzoor received Record of Achievement From World Health Organization ( WHO) for his contribution to the Environmental Precautions in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Peer Tehleel Manzoor Believes a small act of help can bring a big impact in someone’s life.

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