Muslims defend or violate women’s rights

Muslims-defend-or-violate-women's-rights #Baaghi

According to the Oxford Dictionary, those rights promote the status of social and legal equality for women and men. Women’s rights in terms of a solution mean developmental rights, opposition to social and legal equality for women and men.

I am not so much concerned about conclusions, modern ideas and divided statements made by scientists and experts of an inexperienced chair such as how to lead a woman’s life.

I will base my conclusions on proven facts because experience and absolute truth is a brief test between true gold and guilt theory we should examine our intellect because most of the time our mind can go the deviation really was the time when the great minds of that day were thinking that the earth was flat.

If we agree with how the Western media has portrayed this woman as a threat to Islam we have no choice but to acknowledge that women’s rights in Islam are under their control and do not predict the Western rhetoric of women’s liberation when there is nothing but physical abuse.

Deprivation and destruction of soul Western society says the upliftment of women is actually degrading to put her in a position to have mysterious concubines and public butterflies which they are employed as mere tools in the hands of sex workers and pleasure seekers hidden behind a colorful screen of
arts and culture.

Muslims gave women their due rights 1,400 years ago. In the days of ignorance, Islam gave women their rights. If we go back in history again and analyze when reading the history of the civilization of Babylon at that time if a man commits murder instead of being punished, his wife was killed.

When we read the history of Greek civilization according to them, Pandora who was a woman was the cause of evil and misfortune in society.

In Greek culture, a woman was used for sex and pleasure. While reading the history of Roman civilization, it reached its zenith as the man was even allowed to kill his own wife.

Women were used for sex and pleasure, nudity and loose conduct. When we read the history of Egyptian civilization they thought of a woman as a sign of the devil.

When we read the Arab civilization before the revelation of the Quran when a girl child was born, she was buried alive.

Praise of is to Allah the revelation of the Quran and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the last messenger, that women received due rights.

Before talking about the woman threatening Islam I would like to point a few things, Muslims today probably build twenty to twenty-five percent of the world’s population, one-fifth to one-fourth of the world’s land area.

If anyone wants to judge a woman’s Islamic rights, should not judge according to what Muslims do or what the Muslim community promotes. Women’s Rights in Islam should be based on
authentic Islamic sources.

Islamic source is the glorious Quran, the final revelation from the Almighty and the true history of the last messenger Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

We find that there are Muslim scholars who have differing views on many aspects of womanhood. The main reason is that these scholars pick one verse of the Quran and ignore all other verses.

Quran should be read as complete and if we read the Quran then all these differences will be resolved. It is the duty of all true Muslim men and women to seek happiness by following the path of proper Islam.

The write-up has been contributed by Nida Abrar. She can be contacted at @Nid_z0 

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