Pakistan on way to vaccinate 80million by this year’s end

Pakistan on way to vaccinate 80million by this year's end

Aug 16, 2021: Parliamentary Secretary for National Health Services Dr. Nausheen Hamid said on Sunday that Pakistan was on track to vaccinate about 80 million people in the country against the corona virus by the end of December 2021.

“Our target was to vaccinate 70 million Pakistanis by the end of this year that is now increased to 80 million. With the support of people, we will soon achieve this target,” she said while talking to PTV.

The Parliamentary Secretary expressed satisfaction over the growing momentum of Pakistan’s vaccination campaign and stressed the need to accelerate this pace. He stressed the need for all sections of society to play their part in tackling the Corona virus epidemic and vowed to speed up the vaccine in the coming days.

Nausheen appealed to the public to take part in the vaccination campaign as it is the only way to lift all Covid-related restrictions in across Pakistan.

Replying to a question, she said that after Islamabad and Punjab, Sindh Health Department has also decided to set up several mobile vaccination centers in the city to encourage more people to be vaccinated against code 19.

She said that about 28% of Covid mobile units in Pakistan are increasingly participating in the ongoing Covid vaccination campaign, adding that mobile vaccination services have made life easier for all citizens.

In response to another question, she said that Pakistan’s National Command and Operations Center (NCOC) had played a “significant role” in overcoming Covid 19.

She further said that NCOC proved its credibility and importance by guiding the nation and made the nation proud of it.

Talking about paramedical staff training, she said that Pakistan, in collaboration with the Chinese government, had conducted various trainings for paramedical staff on vaccine drives related to covid.

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