Pictures of baby, born moments after Beirut blast, go viral


Pictures of a baby born shortly after a horrific bomb blast in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, captivated social media users.

At the time of the horrific bomb blast in Beirut, where a bride was busy with her wedding photo shoot, a woman was about to give birth at the same time.

The boy’s father was also filming moments before his son’s birth, and at the same time there was a terrible explosion in Lebanese history that was recorded in this video.

The video shows the woman heading to the delivery room and a few moments later the scene is seen to be reversed by a doomsday explosion, shattering the glass in that part of the hospital. The blast also killed and injured several hospital staff.

However, even on such an occasion, the medical staff regained their senses and performed the delivery of the woman in labor well.

The baby was later named Miracle (Baby) George, now a few days after his birth, his father has shared pictures of him on social media which are going viral.

The child’s innocence has captivated social media users, who are praying for his health and life on one hand, and sad for the victims of the Beirut bomb blast on the other.

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