PM Khan plans to change Pakistani School Curriculum

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Lahore, 20th July 2020: What Imran Khan has done to Pakistani school textbooks has not been done by even Zia-ul-Haq, the late President of Pakistan.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, Imran Khan is planning on changing the curriculum of school textbooks in Pakistan.

This might seem like a favorable option because now everyone will study the same curriculum no matter what school they go to and what class they are from. In reality, this will lead to the downfall of Pakistan.

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Khan aims to finish the divide between classes created by what they study by making it the same for every citizen. However, this divide is not because of what they study, rather it is because of the conditions they study in.

The syllabus of all curriculums cover the same topics, it is the technique that varies. Moreover, it is the students who study O, and A levels that represent Pakistan in international competitions and win.

Rote learning doesn’t challenge the students’ creativity, rather makes them puppets and people who follow orders, compared to inventing things.

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Pakistan is already behind all its competitors; India is on its way to get to Mars, Iran has sent a satellite in space, but Pakistan is still behind in almost everything.

Imran Khan not only wants to introduce the same syllabus in all schools but he is bringing a very different way of teaching in Pakistan. The syllabus will like what is taught in Madrasas, where students will be taught religious things.

Modern education is entirely different, it focuses on creativity, critical thinking, and worldly knowledge.

The two methods of teaching are poles apart and this will leave the students of Pakistan way behind the rest of the world.

Moving Towards the Uniform Education System

Prime Minister Khan was widely criticized in 2016-17 for making huge grants to madrasas of the late Maulana Sami-ul-Haq, self-professed father of the Taliban who was murdered by an associate in mysterious circumstances.

As yet these plans have only been introduced for all those studying in class 1 to 5 publically, but such a drastic and strict syllabus has never been seen before seen in Zia Ul Haq’s time.

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It is also said that students who don’t have knowledge of the Holy Quran which includes, memorization of certain verses and other Islamic knowledge, will not be granted a degree when they graduate.

The new system and rules are bizarre and Khan should be told to stop or else Pakistan will suffer the damage because of his extreme measure leaving it behind all competitors.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more news and updates!

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