Rana Mashood called by NAB


Trouble for another leader of PML-N, after investigating former DG Sports, NAB has called for former minister of sports Rana Mashood.



According to the report, NAB has called former Minister for Sports, PML-N leader Rana Mushood on July 8. NAB has called Rana Mashood to investigate about Punjab Sports Festival.


NAB has arrested DG Sports Usman Anwar. During the period of former provincial minister Rana Mushood, Usman Anwar was the DG Sports Board, who was allegedly accused of corruption of crores in Punjab Youth Festival and was arrested. The government planned a Youth Festival in Punjab from 2011 and 2012, which allegedly faced corruption of millions of rupees for various agreements. According to NAB, Usman Anwar, ex-DG sports is a suspect, allegedly abuses the powers, committed financial malpractices in the Youth event.

Rana Mashood was going to the United States last night when the FIA ​​stopped him at the Lahore airport. FIA officials said that the reason to stop Rana was because his name was in ECL list.


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