Russia declares support from China against Western ‘Blackmail’

Russia declares support from China against Western 'Blackmail' | Baaghi TV

Russia has accused the West of blackmail and threats at the G20 meeting of foreign ministers, declaring China’s support over its position, dominated by the war in Ukraine. 

The Russian administration has claimed China lent support during the “stormy” meeting in Delhi dominated by the Russo-Ukraine war. According to international media reports, the event came to an end without a joint communique with just a summary prepared by the host country, India.

Per reports, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, briefly spoke to Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and told him that the US will not back down in support of Ukraine. Additionally, Blinken urged the Moscow administration to reconsider its decision to suspend participation in the Start Treaty and to release US citizen Paul Whelan, convicted in Russia of espionage. 

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In a statement after the meeting between FM Lavrov and China’s delegation, the Russian Ministry said, “A unanimous rejection was expressed of attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, to impose unilateral approaches through blackmail and threats, and to oppose the democratisation of international relations.”

The move has conveyed US pressure on delegations at the G20 to condemn the Kremlin’s invasion of Ukraine. Addressing the meeting, Blinken cited reasons of international peace and economic stability saying, “We must continue to call on Russia to end its war of aggression and withdraw from Ukraine”. Likewise, the US Secretary of State cautioned China against supplying arms to Russia. 

Similarly, Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor, urged China against such a step. The Chancellor said: “use your influence in Moscow to urge the withdrawal of Russian troops”.

China, on the other hand, has denied the claims of military support despite the US administration’s insistence Beijing had cooperated via the supply of weapons to the Kremlin. 

German Chancellor Scholz during the Bundestag said, “A dictated peace against the will of the victims is out of the question.”

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Urging an end to the war, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said there isn’t a “single place in the world where the Russian war has had positive consequences”. Baerbock stressed the war must end because every death is a grave loss for a child affected by the war. 

Meanwhile, Indian attempts to divert attention from the Ukraine war failed when Western leaders used the event, and Lavrov’s presence, as a means to direct pressure on the Kremlin to withdraw its troops. In a video message, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said “global governance has failed”. He added that issues that cannot be solved together should not be allowed in such forums over those that can be solved together. 

On the other hand, the Indian administration not only refused to condemn Russia but also increased its import of Russian oil. 

After the G20 event, Lavrov commented that work under the agenda was being turned into a “farce” with western delegations shifting responsibility for their economic failures on Russia. 

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