Single Curriculum to be enforced in Punjab from August 2


 Lahore, 1st August: Single curriculum will be enforced in primary schools and seminaries in Punjab province from August 2.

According to reports, Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Political Communication Dr. Shahbaz Gill said on Sunday that a single curriculum at primary schools and seminaries in Punjab would begin from August 2.

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Shahbaz Gill took to his official Twitter account to make the announcement. He informed that they have started implementation on the Prime Minister’s dream of ‘One Nation, One Curriculum.’

Gill tweeted, “On the beginning of the new academic year in Punjab from August 02, all public and private schools and seminaries up to the primary level will have a single curriculum.”

Earlier, Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mehmood clarified things about the Single National Curriculum (SNC) to be introduced in Punjab.

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The minister said that the SNC ‘specifies minimum learning standards. Schools are free to teach any additional material or even additional subjects.’

Furthermore, Shafqat Mahmood explained that private schools can use any book that is consistent with Single National Curriculum.

It is to be noted that the education ministry has issued orders on Single National Curriculum which is required to be implemented across the country from August 2021.

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