Single-Parenting by Women

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Single-parenting can be one of the toughest jobs for women. There is a reason why different roles are usually allocated to fathers and mothers. These roles can vary according to the society but one thing remains common and that is that both parents work as a team to provide the best environment for the kids.
[bs-quote quote=”Many women have proved to show tremendous strength by managing kids, their emotional needs, their developmental needs as well as their financial needs.” style=”style-13″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Sarah Ahmad Uqaili ” author_job=”Contributor, Baaghi TV”][/bs-quote]
In some households, one of the parents is solely responsible for the finances and the other parent gives more time to the kids. In other households, both share these two responsibilities equally.
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When it comes to single-parenting by women, they have to successfully fulfill all of these roles. As difficult as it sounds, it is not totally impossible. Many women have proved to show tremendous strength by managing kids, their emotional needs, their developmental needs as well as their financial needs. Along with that they also keep themselves mentally available for the hundreds of questions their little kids ask them every day. To fill the void of having a father, they sacrifice even their free time for their kids and take them out on vacations too whenever there is an opportunity. They work day and night, compromise on their sleep and their own interests and passions.
[bs-quote quote=”To fill the void of having a father, they sacrifice even their free time for their kids and take them out on vacations too whenever there is an opportunity. They work day and night, compromise on their sleep and their own interests and passions.” style=”style-13″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Sarah Ahmad Uqaili ” author_job=”Contributor, Baaghi TV “][/bs-quote]
But even after all of this, there is one thing that they are unable to do. And that is to stop their kids from missing their father. Little kids are innocent and have immense feelings. When they look at other kids playing with their fathers, they wish for themselves to have a father to play with as well. And this one wishful look by the kids turns out to be the most painful for the mother.
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Needless to say, such mothers are the true heroes of our society who despite so much effort are able to stay emotionally fine for their kids.
To all the mothers out their engaged in single-parenting, we salute you and wish for you to be able to achieve whatever you want and for your kids to be the happiest kids there can be.
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