Taliban’s respond to US President Biden’s remarks

Taliban's respond to US President Biden's remarks #baaghi

WASHINGTON: United States (US) President Joe Biden reacted furiously to a question concerning US withdrawal from Afghanistan. According to reports, he counter-questioned journalists, “Can you unite Afghans under one government?”

According to international media, speaking to reporters at the White House, US President Biden lashed out over the question of withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and ending a 20-year war. In response, he told reporters that the reason for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan was that it was not possible to unite all under one government in the war-torn country and if any of you could do so, raise your hand.

President Biden added that Afghanistan has been a graveyard of governments because there is no unity. We were spending a billion dollars every week on this 20-year war, and could no longer afford it.

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“The decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan was made under former President Donald Trump and we have put it into practice to save precious lives, resources, and costs,” he said.

On the other hand, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan while condemning President Biden’s statement said that with our alliance we defeated foreign invaders and powerful countries. 

Abdul Qahar Balkhi, the spokesperson for the Taliban government in Afghanistan, took to Twitter to condemn the US President’s remarks in a series of tweets.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs od IEA strongly rejects remarks by President @POTUS asserting Afghanistan is incapable of unity”, he tweeted. Balkhi added that there is no doubt Afghanistan has experienced a lack of unity under foreign occupations, however, “Mr. Biden’s remarks on Afghanistan being the “Graveyard of Empires” itself is an admission of Afghan unity”.

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In his tweet, Abdul Qahar Balkhi, spokesman for the Taliban government in Afghanistan, strongly condemned US President Joe Biden’s statement that there is no division and unity among Afghans.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman wrote in his tweet that it is not divided rather “united” nations that cause the fall of invaders and great empires. Balkhi continued that following the end of the US Occupation of Afghanistan, the “IEA, with limited resources and in a short period, ensured overall security”. He added that the Taliban government has managed to not only establish a central government but also unite the people of Afghanistan. 

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In addition, spokesman Abdul Qahar Balkhi stated that even minor differences between Afghans were caused by foreign invaders inciting them for survival and that is why it has happened since then. 

Balkhi remarked, “Discord is an external phenomenon instigated by foreign invaders for their survival, however, Afghans defeated them”. Citing ‘shared’ Islamic beliefs, ‘homeland’ and ‘celebrated history’, Balkhi continued, the Afghan nation is working to become an equal nation and taking strong leaps towards progress.

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It is pertinent to note that the US Armed Forces and other foreign troops completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan by 30th August 2021. This marked the end of a 20-year long war in Afghanistan.

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