Team Russia return to Earth after filming their first movie in space


The Russian crew for the movie “Challenge” return to Earth after completing their scenes for the first movie shot in outer space.

Actor Yulia Peresild and Klim Shipenko left the ISS and had landed in Kazakhstan, There they met a crew for filming touchdown scenes. The ISS shooting was pretty dramatic, appropriate for a film later to be called Challenge.

On Friday the ISS surprisingly tilted after a malfunction in its thrusters, resulting in a delay in filming. It was not fit to be part of the script.

In a goodbye tweet from the ISS, Peresild presented a weightless hairdo in order to disprove any conspiracy theorists  who might think that it was all filmed on Earth.

The movie is one of a kind and is likely to be a hit amongst space fans worldwide. The module that contained Peresild and Shipenko,together with cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy, landed on Earth at about noon on Sunday in Kazakhstan .

Friday’s glitch had no effect upon their departure, which developed a loss of positioning control for about half an hour.

This wasn’t the first time tahat the crew had encountered tech malfunctions. On arrival on the 5th of October, the Soyuz’s automatic Kurs docking system failed and the commander had to change automatic control to manual control.

The actor and director are scheduled to be taken to Russia’s Star City training base for a 10-day rehabilitation.

The plot of the movie has not been revealed to avoid spoilers, but the part filmed in the ISS appears to be that of a doctor, the character played by Peresild, who is operating upon a sick cosmonaut whose medical condition cannot be treated on Earth.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for latest news and updates!


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