This is About Mechanical Asphyxiation by Homicide: Antonio Romanucci


29th March 2021: Antonio Romanucci was representing the family of George Floyd in a live press conference before the Derek Chauvin case went underway.

“This is day 307 of the case of George Floyd, and first day of justice in the criminal case”, he said.

“This case is about common sense. This is not about the character and the past of George Floyd. This is about what happened on 25th May 2020. This is a case of mechanical asphyxiation by homicide. This was the cause of death given by the independent medical examiners we brought in to this town to examine the body days after he was killed.”

“We brought them in because we had to challenge the narrative of Fentanyl overdose that was being built.”

“We are here as the messengers of the goodness of Floyd. We are here for civil justice.”

“We have to message for a change in laws. The Minnesota National Assembly changing the Arbitration Reform Bill to George Floyd Reform Arbitration Bill would be giving out the right message.”

“If a Chief of Police fires police officers for lying, undue use of force, or otherwise egregious conduct, as was done in this situation, then it should not be possible to be overturned by an arbitrator. If a man is begging for his life, in that situation torture and murder merits no arbitrator overturn the decision.”

“We are here in George’s spirit to send a message for perpetuity that never again can a black unarmed man be killed at the hands of a white police officer.”

Derek Chauvin is charged with 2nd and 3rd degree murder and 2nd degree manslaughter, with a maximum of 40 years if convicted.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for latest news and updates!

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