US should not leave clear field in Afghanistan else Afghan Taliban will grow: Indian Generals



New Delhi: Indian generals have started calling out US to not leave Afghanistan alone as Afghan Taliban might start attacking them.

According to Reuters, General Bipin Rawat, speaking at a security conference, said that we are worried  that the clear field in Afghanistan that will now be created by the US and foreign forces can be replaced by miscreants. He refrained from naming the country which he said could take advantage of the situation and ruin the environment.

This important meeting of Indian generals also raised the possibility that after the departure of US and NATO forces, the Afghan Taliban will kill a lot of Indians, so before leaving for the United States, Indian generals are demanding their protection.

US President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced the end of the longest-running US war, saying the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan would begin on May 1.

The US president has rejected calls for more US troops, with some experts, including the local Afghan government, saying the withdrawal of foreign troops would call into question the law and order situation in Afghanistan.

Bipin Rawat said that our fear is that the clear field left in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of US and NATO forces will not be taken advantage of by miscreants. He said that the biggest threat to India is the withdrawal of foreign forces. Then there is the instability in Afghanistan that could spread to occupied Kashmir.

He said there were also fears that Pakistan could benefit greatly from its long-standing ties with the Taliban in Afghanistan and that the United States was expected to play a key role after the withdrawal. People are trying to take advantage of the situation after the withdrawal of foreign forces.

After the Taliban was ousted from power in 2001, India invested 3 3 billion in building roads, power plants and even its parliament in Afghanistan. Bipin Rawat said India was committed to bringing peace to Afghanistan. Will be happy to provide more help.

It should be noted that while announcing the withdrawal from Afghanistan, US President Joe Biden had said that US objectives in Afghanistan had become very unclear during the last decade.

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