Why is Pakistan safer from the coronavirus than the US and Europe?


Lahore, 27th March: The contagious disease, coronavirus is widely spreading in the world with a devastating outcome in Europe and the US after China, where it erupted in Wuhan in Dec 2019.

According to the reports of Baaghi TV, it has been observed that the intensity of the coronavirus is not so severe in India, Pakistan and the African countries as compared to Europe and the US.

The number of coronavirus victims in the subcontinent is not as high as in Europe and the United States, the reason being that the people belonging to these places are already immune to the Malaria and its vaccine, so they are able to fight off the coronavirus disease.

It may be noted that the rate of malaria virus is high in Pakistan, India and African countries, so there is a higher immune response to the coronavirus and therefore lower mortality rates.

This may also be a reason that chloroquine is acting as a cure in these countries, this medicine is used for malaria and it has shown its effectiveness in reducing the effects of coronavirus in Asian and African countries.

The first case of coronavirus in Pakistan came out on February 26 and till March 26, 1,130 cases were reported. Similarly, the death toll so far has been 9, which makes the death toll 7%. Similarly, a common influenza epidemic has a mortality rate of 1% in Pakistan.

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Why the coronavirus mortality rate is low in Pakistan so far, however, this death rate is 3.5% lower than in China, 9% lesser from Italy; 7% less from Spain.

We can make some assumptions about the low impact of coronavirus in Pakistan.

  1. The effects of Malaria has reduced the severity of coronavirus and the mortality rate.
  2. Corona cases are found in younger people in Pakistan as compared to Western cases.
  3. The environmental climate is very important as the weather is less cold in Pakistan and India.
  4. Pakistani and Indians are located in that part of the world where the innate immune response has increased against coronavirus due to repeated flu infection and has worked as a vaccine.
  5. The recovery rate is better in Pakistan and India due to the prevalence of malaria disease.

On the basis of these assumptions, we can conclude that the danger here is not as high and that nature has created us in a geographically protected area.

It should be noted that the pandemic had started in Asia in Dec 2019, and now the US has become the new epicenter of the coronavirus, whereas, by the morning of March 27, the number of patients has grown to more than 85,000. Prior to the United States, the center of the coronavirus was Europe, and it is still the second major epidemic of the outbreak.

Baaghi TV urges you to play your part as a responsible citizen by staying at home to ensure the safety of yourself, your loved ones and the community.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for the latest news and updates.

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